Photo by Christine Eubank in Hawaii, HI

Photo by Christine Eubank in Hawaii, HI


Beginning Ukulele Workshop 1 - Teaching the fundamentals of ukulele including basic chords and strumming techniques. You'll be singing tunes within minutes from the start of the workshop.

Beginning Ukulele Workshop 2- Expanding on the fundamentals of ukulele to teach beyond-the-basics chords and alternative strumming techniques. 

Ukulele play-along and sing-along sessions - Bring your ukes and other fun instruments for a ukulele led play-along session to popular, easy to sing-along tunes. Once the tunes start, the singing happens irresistibly!

Ukulele workshops coming up!:

Ukulele workshops in the past:

Sep 2013 - Labor Day Dance Away Weekend, CA: Beginning Ukulele Workshop 1

Sep 2014 - Labor Day Dance Away Weekend, CA: Beginning Ukulele Workshop 1 & 2

Apr 2017 - NEFFA Festival, Mansfield, MA: Beginning Ukulele Workshop 1

Sep 2017 - Labor Day Dance Away Weekend, CA: Beginning Ukulele Workshop 1 & 2

Apr 2018 - NEFFA Festival, Mansfield, MA: Beginning Ukulele Workshop 1

Apr 2018 - Desert Spring Dance Weekend, Mesa, AZ; Beginning Ukulele Play-Along

Sep 2018 - Labor Day Dance Away Weekend, CA: Beginning Ukulele Workshop 1 & 2


Teaching Beginning Ukulele 1 at NEFFA Festival in Mansfield, MA, April 2017. Photo by Claire Takemori, 2017.

Teaching Beginning Ukulele 1 at NEFFA Festival in Mansfield, MA, April 2017. Photo by Claire Takemori, 2017.


Jacqui has also been a member of the Westside Ukulele Ensemble (WUE) in West Los Angeles.

Photo by Jacqui Grennan at WUE practice.

Photo by Jacqui Grennan at WUE practice.