Dances adapted for online dancing - not suitable for in-person dancing

April Stars by Jacqui Grennan

(English Country dance, duple minor longways, 3/4 time)
Adapted for solo and 1 couple dancing

Music: April Waltz by Selma Kaplan, Waltz 1

** Improper, call to #1 couple **

A1 -----------

1-2  Ring Balance

3-4  Circle left 1/2x

5-8  1s Half-figure 8 up

A2 -----------

1-2  Ring Balance

3-4  Circle left 1/2x

5-8  Partner back to back 1x

B1 -----------

1-4  Half Pousette with Partner - Larks forward, then Robins forward until below the 2s

5-8  Draw pousette 1x (Robins forward, travel the path of a CW circle with P, solos can circle left 1x) - face up

B2 -----------

1-2  Up a double

3-4  Cast down

5-8  Partner 2-hand-turn 1-1/2x - until improper

On the Set (for singles/couples)

(Zoom online contra dance, July 2020)

by Jacqui Grennan


* Start by facing camera, hands up in a wave.

A1 -----------

(4,4) Balance Right, Rory O’More slide right

(4,4) Balance Left, Rory O’More slide left

A2 -----------

(16) Balance and swing - end facing the camera

B1 -----------

Solo dancers:

(8) Ricochet to camera, back out right

(8) Ricochet to camera, back out right

Couple dancers:

(4, 4) Dancer #1 ricochet to camera, Dancer #2 ricochet to camera

(4, 4) Dancer #1 ricochet to camera, Dancer #2 ricochet to camera

B2 -----------

(4) Singles set to the camera/couples set to each other

(4) Turn single right

(8) Swing - end facing the camera

Camericochet (for singles/couples)

(Zoom online contra dance, July 2020)

by Jacqui Grennan


* Start by facing camera, hands up in a wave

A1 ----------- 

(4,4) Balance Right, Rory O’More slide right

(4,4) Balance Left, Rory O’More slide left

A2 -----------

(16) Balance and swing - end facing the camera

B1 -----------

Solo dancers:

(8) Ricochet to camera, back out right

(8) Ricochet to camera, back out right

Couple dancers:

(4, 4) Dancer #1 ricochet to camera, Dancer #2 ricochet to camera

(4, 4) Dancer #1 ricochet to camera, Dancer #2 ricochet to camera

B2 -----------

(16) Balance and swing - end facing the camera

Camera Partner (for singles/couples)

(Zoom online contra dance, July 2020)

by Jacqui Grennan


* Start by facing camera, hands up in a wave

A1 -----------

(4,4) Balance Right, Rory O’More slide right

(4,4) Balance Left, Rory O’More slide left

A2 -----------

(16) Balance and swing - end facing the camera

B1 -----------

(8) Long line forward and back to the camera

(8) Mad Robin: singles start by sliding right, couples rotate clockwise

B2 -----------

(16) Balance and swing - end facing the camera

Triplet for Claire

(Adapted for solo and 1 couple dancing)

by Jacqui Grennan

Contra/Triplet, Improper

* Triplet formation, you are #1 couple, imagine #2 & #3 couple below *

A1 -----------

(8) 1s cross in front of 2s, pass thru between 2s and 3s

(4) 1s come up the center (Lark on left, Robin on right)

(4) Cloverleaf turn single

A2 -----------

(8) Partner Right Hand Allemande 1x across the set

(8) Right Hand Pull by across, cast down - meet at the bottom

B1 -----------

(16) 1s Balance & Swing at bottom of set, face up

B2 -----------

(4) Up the hall 4 steps, face Partner

(4) Fall back to the side of the set

(8) Hole in the wall - to other side of set - face down